Tag Archives: Tracey Hatley

5 Ways to Reap Revenue from Unused Space

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Reap Revenue from Unused Space1. DARE TO BE DIFFERENT: 
Enhancing a retail center with unique tenants creates synergy and healthy competition. New experiences drive traffic, repeat visits and sales. Keep your center fresh with new and different shops; develop relationships with local and regional boutiques so you’ll be their first call when they’re ready to expand. Offer competitive and flexible… Read More

JLL-Managed Retail Centers “Go Better with Coke”

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What is the number one reason people stop shopping?  If you guessed the answer is because they’re trying to limit their spending, you’d be wrong. The number one reason people close up their wallets and go home is because they are hungry or thirsty. In an effort to provide its consumers with on-the-go refreshment, JLL today announced it has entered into a national vending agreement with Coca-Cola to bring on-site beverage… Read More

How Shopping Centers Can Scare Up Good Returns from Ghost Space

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Halloween comes only once a year, much to the disappointment of costumed, candy-hoarding kids — and much to the relief of their parents. For years, retailers and mall owners would’ve largely sided with the kids: Halloween brings increased sales, but only for one month a year and only for certain kinds of shops.

The retail sector embraces the business version of a sugar high by using… Read More

New Partnership Brings Media Advertising to JLL-Managed Malls

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IMGn an effort to generate additional revenue opportunities for its retail investor clients, JLL Retail today announced a new partnership with McGavren Guild Malls, LLC, to exclusively provide media representation services within the firm’s third-party-managed shopping centers. As part of this agreement, McGavren Guild Malls will represent national media opportunities, which… Read More