Monthly Archives: October 2014

VIDEO: Can You Imagine a World Without Grocery Stores?

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Four years from now, you’ll see fewer traditional supermarkets as consumers spread their spending across multiple grocery stores. JLL Retail shares how shifts in the grocery landscape are impacting the sector and what you can expect in the next decade on Fox TV:

New York News

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How Shopping Centers Can Scare Up Good Returns from Ghost Space

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Halloween comes only once a year, much to the disappointment of costumed, candy-hoarding kids — and much to the relief of their parents. For years, retailers and mall owners would’ve largely sided with the kids: Halloween brings increased sales, but only for one month a year and only for certain kinds of shops.

The retail sector embraces the business version of a sugar high by using… Read More

Ringing Up the Competition in Chicagoland Grocery

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It wasn’t too long ago when the outlook for Chicago grocery could politely be called ‘uncertain,’ with the shuttering of Dominick’s 72 stores at the end of 2013 as the most visible sign of this. But that picture is changing, says Peter Caruso of JLL.

What’s the current state of the Chicagoland grocery landscape?

Peter Caruso says: Extremely competitive! As competition in the… Read More

Fast Fashion Retailers Head Down Under

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fast-fashion-retailers-head-down-underForeign retailers are flocking to Australia to invest in bricks and mortar after finding their feet online, according to retail experts at JLL. E-commerce adoption in Australia is high – largely because of its remote geography – and online shoppers spend more per purchase than anywhere else in the world. As a… Read More

VIDEO: Asian Retailers Look to U.S. for Expansion

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The burgeoning middle class of China is traveling abroad more often and spending more money when they do, and homegrown retailers want to make sure they get a share of that business. JLL’s Tom Gaffney, explains which markets Asian retailers are targeting in this short video.


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LA’s Retail Market Update: ICSC Western Division Conference

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JLL’s Craig Killman is attending the ICSC Western Division Conference today in San Diego, and takes a closer look at the Los Angeles retail corridors:

  • What types of retail properties are investors seeking in Los Angeles?Craig K

The two hottest categories in Los Angeles right now are specialty food-anchored neighborhood centers and high street… Read More