Category Archives: inGENuitY

A Mall Rat in a Small World

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For many years, the mall has been a place to hang out for young people, specifically the pre-driving teenage years of 12 to 15.  It’s that wonderful moment in your youth when your parents finally trust you enough to let you out of the house on your own.  I remember many… Read More

Bring on the Bazaar!

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I am a late-born shopper. Not that I am so young, but rather that I have only recently truly started to appreciate – and occasionally revel in the shopping experience. My teen years were spent in harried weekend shopping trips from Kingston, Jamaica to Miami to pick up necessities. The goal was to be efficient and thrifty. And… Read More

From Mobile Wallets to iPad Checkout – Technology Drives The Future of Retail

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Walking the EXPO floor of the NRF conference Retail’s Big Show, it’s clear again that technology plays an integral role in the future of retail.  From iPad checkout to mobile payment technologies to advanced checkout lanes to biometrics and geofencing, retailers are inundated with a plethora of vendors and options to improve productivity, increase sales, and create the store… Read More

Putting the Gen-Y in inGENuitY

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As the most analyzed American generation to date, Baby Boomers seem to get all of the love. It’s a generation that is treasured within our American history. Although born in 1982, I feel like I have lived since the 60’s, as there seems to be no limits to the documentaries, books, TV specials and VH1 Behind the Music… Read More

The Future is Now!

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Cindy Radney (image)Posted by:
Cindy Radney
Jones Lang LaSalle Retail

As a child, I remember walking into a local grocer in Louisville, KY, with my grandfather to pick up a few things for dinner.  Being a retired A&P store manager who loyally served the company for more than 50 years, he tended to dislike changes… Read More

Categories: inGENuitY.