Tag Archives: Jones Lang LaSalle Retail

Banks Can Adapt to Changing Consumer Behavior with New Branch Strategies

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It’s no longer about how many branches banks have. It’s how about they use them. As consumer behavior shifts, banks are rethinking the way their business is done. And you can help them.


JLL’s new 2017 U.S. Banking Outlook offers insight on current and forthcoming industry trends, like:

  • Branch location reductions. The number of branches will decrease as banks optimize their market needs.
  • Expansion
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From Dock to Doorstop – the new retail race

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UPDATE ICSC New York: From E-bay’s one hour delivery service to Amazon’s futuristic proposed drone delivery, retailers are battling to gain competitive advantage by appealing to their customers’ need for  ‘insta-delivery’.

As the retail industry transitions its supply chain to an omni-channel model, demand is soaring for the real estate that supports this new paradigm.  A distinct real estate asset class tailored to e-commerce delivery has evolved. JLL has identified six newly-defined… Read More

Four Forces that will Propel Retail Investment Sales in 2014

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ICSC New York UPDATE: The recession took a major toll on the retail real estate sector but, despite waffling consumer confidence, the sector continues to improve. Retail now accounts for 19 percent of total U.S. investment volume year-to-date 2013. Today, JLL’s retail experts predict upwards of a 20% increase in retail transaction volume in the year ahead driven by four key forces.

1. Strengthening Fundamentals: the retail market will continue to turn around

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Shoppers Hit the Snooze Button this Black Friday

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photo1UPDATE: JLL Retail managed shopping centers report that late night Thanksgiving shopping excursions kept the crack-of-dawn shoppers in bed a little longer this morning. The mad dash to the mall was delayed, with most centers seeing an increase in traffic between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m., and steady shoppers since then.

Retailers within JLL Retail managed centers are reporting bustling corridors and… Read More

JLL Marriage with Surge Retail Makes Sense

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Jones Lang LaSalle Retail Group has bolstered the firm’s retail tenant representation practice by adding more than 30 retail brokers throughout the country in the past 18 months.   Notably, Michael Hirschfield and Steve Farris of Surge Retail recently joined JLL through a merger agreement announced in late July.  With the addition of the powerhouse duo, who bring relationships with major retailers Aldo, Bose, Fossil, Swarovski and more, we can now offer clients… Read More

Call it the Retailization of Health Insurance

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Have you heard about the retailization of health insurance? From Medicare to a mall near you, is the newest retail concept to hit the market.

USA Today says, “For the first time, insurers are fiercely competing to attract individual consumers and turning to traditional retail marketing techniques to do so, luring… Read More

Is Thanksgivingukkah the new Christmakah?

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This year the first day of Hanukkah falls on Thanksgiving, a very rare occurrence that won’t happen again for more than 70,000 years.  In this Wall Street Journal article, discover what effect retail experts say this may have on the impending holiday shopping season as retailers brace for ‘Thanksgivingukkah.”  Will there be two Black Fridays???

Click here to read the article


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All roads lead to retail in Florida

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We’re at ICSC Florida  and learning about the different drivers impacting the resurgence of retail in the Sunshine State including investment, development, vacancy and rental rates. What are you hearing and seeing on the conference floor?

Leave us a comment and click here to view the video.

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Restaurants flocking to South Florida

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As the economy continues to improve, restaurants are vying for space across the state of Florida, especially in the southern tip of the state.  VooDoo BBQ & Grill recently announced a 10-year lease at Hollywood Hills Plaza in Hollywood, FL, joining a number of restaurants that will… Read More