Category Archives: Development

Rosedale Center Gets a Von Maur, Renovation Begins

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JLL-managed Rosedale Center, located in Roseville, Minnesota,  has begun a two-year interior renovation project. Featured in the renovation is an expansion that will introduce a new 125,000-square-foot, two-level Von Maur department store and 21,000 square feet of new shops within a new two-level concourse connecting the existing center to the new anchor. Von Maur construction is expected to start next year, with an opening date in 2018. A new parking deck will… Read More

Want to buy your hotel’s bed? Now you can.

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The hospitality industry’s influence has expanded significantly in recent years, with an integration into chic corporate office spaces, custom retail environments and even healthcare facilities.


Retailers are constantly focused on reinventing their brands to meet changing consumer expectations, so it’s no surprise that furniture retailer West Elm recently announced its plan to launch a chain of boutique hotels in order to sustain its growth without opening an army of new stores.

“Retailers need… Read More

Supermarket Sweep Part 2: Convenience, Price & Experience

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This blog post is a continuation of  Supermarket Sweep Part I: Grocers Compete, Retail Real Estate Wins. In order to carve out market share in the slowly growing industry, grocery sellers will have to fight tooth and nail in order to prevail in each arena: convenience, price and experience.

1. CONVENIENCE: Make it easy to buy

grocery 10Surrogate shoppers do the hard work forRead More

Supermarket Sweep Part I: Grocers Compete, Retail Real Estate Wins

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Do you remember the game show Supermarket Sweep? In it, teams of shoppers would race through the grocery aisles competing to fill their carts with the most expensive items within a time limit. The show turned what many considered a dull weekly chore into a race against time. Back when Supermarket Sweep first aired in the sixties and later when it was revived in the early nineties, the weekly shopping trip… Read More

The Comeback of Retail Brick and Mortar Construction

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Crain 2In 2006, NASA launched the New Horizons spacecraft for a nine -year mission, the Steelers defeated the Seahawks, and the Nintendo Wii was introduced to America’s youth. It was also the year retail development in the U.S. hit an all-time high of 261 million square feet under construction, with ambitious mega entertainment facilities underway. Within five years, construction halte
d… Read More

5 Signs of Growth for Atlanta’s Retail Market

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Atlanta Skyline1) The End of Overbuilding: Concerns of an overbuilt market impacting Atlanta retail are finally beginning to wane, and the sector is back on the upswing. Overall retail absorption is increasing, which is good news for the suburban market. There was a net 3.3% absorption across the market over the past year, with staggering in-town absorption of 10%. Vacancy rates… Read More

5 Reasons to Redevelop Your Retail Center Now

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Redevelop Now1. GO BIG OR GO HOME: Tired and stagnant shopping centers are quickly losing market share, but a slim construction pipeline makes now a prime opportunity for owners to renovate their existing space. Retail real estate owners need to create a unique, exciting and convenient shopping experience to not just attract, but retain their customers. A redevelopment can increase… Read More

5 Keys Ways to Keep Customers Coming Back

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Consumers1. EMBRACE THE OMNI-CHANNEL EXPERIENCE: More and more retailers are striving to build a true omni-channel experience that merges at-home, in-store and mobile commerce into one seamless experience. In other words, if a customer wants to view an item online, purchase it using their phone and pick it up in-store, they can do so in a smooth and effortless way.… Read More

5 Tips to Cut Shopping Center Costs

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Cutting Costs1. DITCH THE PAPER, DO DIGITAL: Rising paper costs and decreased customer usage makes going paperless a “no brainer” for your shopping center. Shoppers like receiving messages about retailer sales, upcoming events and safety information on their smartphones, tablets and digital devices. Embrace the opportunity to dump the paper… Read More

Williston Crossing Approved: Williams County Commission Affirms North Dakota’s Premier Mixed-Use Development

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North Dakota’s premier mixed-use development, Williston Crossing, is moving full steam ahead. The Williams County Board of County Commissioners today granted entitlement for the development by a vote of three to two. Stropiq, Inc., the international real estate principals behind the ambitious retail-driven project will now move forward into the pre-leasing stage.

Williston Crossing NEW imageRead More