Tag Archives: back-to-school

5 Things Retailers Should Know For Back-To-School

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It’s officially August, which means school bells will be ringing soon – punctuating the languid summer air with a shrill note of finality – much to the chagrin of school-aged children across the U.S. But while kids may be mourning the disappearance of the lazy… Read More

Online Plays a Limited Role for Back-to-School

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Most shoppers are eschewing online retailers for their back-to-school needs. Just 19 percent said they would buy supplies at online retailers and about one-quarter said they would buy clothes online.

“A constant theme this survey showed was consumers desire to save on cost and time. Bricks-and- mortar stores offer a wide selection and many malls, superstores and department stores offer one-stop shopping convenience. Furthermore, shipping costs and the hassle of returns were… Read More

Price and Efficiency, Main Drivers of Back-to-School Spending this Year

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While kids may be off from school, it seems parents won’t be giving them a vacation from back-to-school shopping. According to JLL’s Back-to-School survey of nearly 2,000 consumers nationwide, only seven percent of respondents will wait until after school starts to do their shopping, a decrease from last year’s nearly 11 percent that said they would wait for school to begin. Of the 93 percent that will shop prior to the… Read More

Back-to-School Budgets: Apparel Tops The Chart

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The proclivity for low prices doesn’t exactly mean that shoppers will be tightening their purse strings this year. While most shoppers will once again spend less than $500 on back-to-school items this year, the share of shoppers spending between $100-$500 rose year-over-year from 63 percent in 2015 to 75 percent this year.

“This year, we found that consumer income seems to have little effect on their budgets or behavior when it comes… Read More

Retail Tops E-Tail for Back-to-School Shopping

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The “dog days” of summer may be upon us, but retailers are stocking shelves in anticipation of the upcoming rush of back-to-school shoppers. While one quarter of shoppers began loading their carts with pens, notebooks and new outfits as early July, the majority (65 percent) will start shopping in tBTS Imagehe… Read More

Want to know the future of back-to-school shopping? Look to the past.

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Shopping online just keeps getting easier. As deal sites abound, shipping prices fall away, inventory endlessly expands, and it begs the question: “does anyone load the kids up in the family car and drive to the mall anymore?” Turns out they do—and especially when school’s about to start. A recent survey shows that 90 percent of American households plan on doing their back-to-school shopping at physical retail stores… Read More

JLL Partners with Teen Vogue for Back-to-School Season Promotions

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Teen Vogue Back-To-School Saturdays™ (BTSS) is a galvanizing moment designed to motivate and inspire consumers to get out and shop for the best of back-to-school fashion, beauty, and more. BTSS is a multi-platform initiative involving all of Teen Vogue’s assets in print, digital, social, mobile and event marketing. Participating… Read More