Tag Archives: customer experience

What shoppers want and how retailers can deliver

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New JLL and Big Red Rooster study creates benchmarks for in-store experiences and ranks the top retailers; Apple takes top spot

Creating brand affinity has always been a top priority for retailers, but now retailers need new ways to build shopper satisfaction in-store. What makes shoppers content from the moment they walk through the door all the way to their purchase? JLL and Big Red Rooster evaluated 100 stores and surveyed… Read More

3 Questions Smart Retailers are Asking Themselves Now

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1. Are we offering an omni-channel experience?

More and more retailers are striving to build a true omni-channel experience that merges at-home, in-store and mobile commerce into one seamless experience. In other words, if a customer wants to view an item online, purchase it using their phone and pick it up in-store, they can do so in a smooth and effortless way.

Omni-channel is all about continuity of experience and provides the perfect… Read More